Metal 3D Printing’s True Potential

The Integradde Project highlighted the tremendous potential of metal 3D printing for the construction sector, looking at the structural efficiency of optimised WAAM trusses, as analysed thoroughly in the paper below:

Kyvelou P., Spinasa A., Gardner L. (2023) Testing and analysis of optimised wire arc additively manufactured steel trusses. Journal of Structural Engineering. [In press] DOI: 10.1061/JSENDH/STENG-12832.

Building further on this concept, in PIONEER, we are using metal 3D printing to complement conventional manufacturing processes and get further enhancements in terms of structural efficiency and cost savings.

The final demonstrators of this hybrid concept will be optimised steel trusses featuring optimised WAAM joints and conventionally manufactured tubular members.

Stay tuned for more.


Written by: Imperial College London


London Callin’


Im Sankt Augustin